Guide on setting up YottamineR client for Mac OSX. Please download the full guide for Windows. You the steps below to replace the steps in the guide to setup the client. 3.1 Default Install Location Setup Use finder to extract the YottamineRClient zip file to your home folder. 3.4 Install packages in R Studio using the Package Installer Depdency Requirements: To use YottamineR, you have to install rJava and YottamineR. The rest are optional. core packages (required) YottamineR rJava Install rJava then YottamineR. These packages can be found in the yps-client/R/packages after you unzip the client. After install, make sure you load the YottamineR package before running the sample script. Plotting support (optional) e1071 SparseM Sparse Matrix support (optional) lattice matlab 5 Documentation and Samples Browse to the folder where you installed the YottamineR package, typically a long path for Mac default install. Once you get to YottamineR, you can find the doc/samples folder. In here, you will find the samples R scripts. You have to replace the "/Users/" with your home folder path. To build a model, open up build-model-from-RData.R from RStudio. Run the script After model is successfully built, note the model id in the console. Open up the run-predictions.R script and replace the buildModelId with the one you created. From there the script will make calls to tell the api server to automatically grab the model file built and transfer it to the prediction server where the predictions will be ran.